diumenge, 16 d’octubre del 2016

My first day in Vallbona de les Monges

My name is Hannah and this weekend I got to stay in the beautiful village of Vallbona de les Monges.

Saturday began with visits to two of Eduard´s bird hides, along with Albert. This was a completly new experience for me, but one that I enjoyed a great deal.  It was amazing to be in a place that was so pretty, peaceful and quiet.

In the afternoon I went with Susana to pick membrillos and then we had a lovely stroll through Vallbona to the monastery in the middle of the village.

On the Sunday we visited the beautiful monastery at Poblet. 

After lunch we went almond picking, another new experience for me which I really enjoyed. I cannot wait to try the panellets! I also got to see the ´bird lovers´, which were amazing.

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